Website Health Checkup

Your website is the core of your online marketing. If it’s running slowly or just not performing as it should, it’s probably time for a website health checkup.

What you don't know can hurt your business.

A Website Health Checkup gives you a starting point for fixing unseen website issues. Malware can linger unseen for months, stealing bandwidth and jeopardizing your data security.

Every website needs regular maintenance to remain up-to-date and protected against attacks. Small business sites are especially vulnerable to attacks because owners are busy. When your website is delivered, it’s great, but have you looked inside it since then?

Just like the rooms in your home or the engine in your car – regular cleaning and maintenance keeps your website running well and powering your business.

Did you know that regular Website Health Check assessments are free in our WordPress Care Plans?

What We Do in Your Website Health Checkup

System Assessment

We review whether your core website tools have been regularly updated, and if any are dangerously out of date.

Security Assessment

We investigate the protections in effect for your site, and how much risk you are currently exposed to.

Malware Scan

We run a full scan of your site to make sure that your system is not currently under attack.

Trusted By:

Website Health Checkup Order Form

Website Health Checkups are only available for WordPress websites. The Health Checkup assessment fee is $375 and covers the assessment only, not repairs. However, if you choose us to make your website repairs, we will deduct 50% of the Checkup fee from your final balance.

Website Health Check assessments are free in our WordPress Care Plans!

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