KnowLikeTrust Content Plan


Secure your marketing foundation with content that sparks conversations and conversions

Our KLT content management plan is an easy-but-speedy on-ramp for your content marketing journey. Get started with foundational distribution of your brand story, campaigns, and thought leadership. The KLT Plan establishes a baseline for your analytics and provides credibility.

Define your monthly content goals in a monthly strategy session with our experts. Easily request monthly content via writing credits you can “spend” on on-demand projects that support your digital marketing strategy.

Your KLT Content Kickstart Plan includes:

*We publish to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, and more!

**1 Content Writing Credit = 1 writing project up to 800 words

***Unused writing credits do not roll over to future months.

Spend your 3 monthly Content Writing Credits on:

Initial payment includes a $350 setup fee.

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